| DAE Capital | DAE Group

Dubai, U.A.E., 13 September 2021 – Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd, the global aviation services company, today announced that it has received an ESG Risk Rating score of 14.1 which was assessed by Sustainalytics to be ‘Low Risk’ category. The ESG Risk Rating Report on DAE can be accessed here or on DAE’s website.
This follows the publication in June 2021 of DAE’s inaugural Environmental, Social, and Governance Report, which can be accessed here or on DAE’s website.
Commenting on the publication of the ESG Risk Rating, Firoz Tarapore, Chief Executive Officer of DAE, stated, “Our ESG Risk Rating is the lowest of any company in our industry, and it demonstrates the effort that our team has put in over the past 18 months to strengthen our ESG risk management and framework. DAE is pleased to be recognized by Sustainalytics for our efforts, and we look forward to continuing to engage with our stakeholders on ESG issues.”
Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings measure a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks. This multi-dimensional way of measuring ESG risk combines the concepts of management and exposure to arrive at an assessment of ESG risk, i.e. a total unmanaged ESG risk score or the ESG Risk Rating, that is comparable across all industries. Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings provide a quantitative measure of unmanaged ESG risk and distinguish between five levels of risk: Negligible, Low, Medium, High and Severe.
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About DAE
Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd. is a global aviation services company headquartered in Dubai. DAE serves over 170 airline customers in over 65 countries from its seven office locations in Dubai, Dublin, Amman, Singapore, Miami, New York and Seattle.
DAE’s award-winning Aircraft Leasing division has an owned, managed, committed and mandated to manage fleet of approximately 425 Airbus, ATR and Boeing aircraft with a fleet value exceeding US$16 billion. DAE’s Engineering division serves customers in Europe, Middle East, Africa and South Asia from its state-of-the-art facility accommodating up to 15 wide and narrow body aircraft. It is authorized to work on 13 aircraft types and has regulatory approval from over 25 regulators globally. More information can be found on the company’s web site at www.dubaiaerospace.com.
For further information, please contact:
Media | Fixed Income Investors |
Arne Bevaart | Deion McCarthy |
+971 4 428 9591 | +971 4 428 9576 |
press.office@dubaiaerospace.com | investorrelations@dubaiaerospace.com |