| DAE Capital | DAE Group

Dubai, U.A.E., 13 March 2019 – Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd. announced that it has completed the delivery of six Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft to Gulf Air based on an aircraft lease agreement signed in November 2017 and were delivered between April 2018 and February 2019.
Firoz Tarapore, Chief Executive Officer of DAE, said: “We are delighted to partner with Gulf Air and deliver these new-technology wide body aircraft to assist the airline with its fleet transition strategy. This transaction highlights our ability to underwrite large commitments and provide a full suite of solutions including financing of pre-delivery payments. We look forward to building on our strong relationship with Gulf Air.”
Krešimir Kučko, Chief Executive Officer of Gulf Air said: “It is an honor to consider DAE as a strategic partner for the Kingdom of Bahrain and Gulf Air as they played a crucial role in our strategic direction towards furthering our fleet modernization process, enhancing passenger comfort and broadening our network as we look to strengthen our presence across the globe. We have already witnessed increased customer satisfaction with the new modern, fuel efficient Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners as they are deployed on popular routes such as London, Casablanca, Bangkok and Manila. The relationship with DAE is highly valued and we look forward to continue this relationship with future projects”.
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About DAE
Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd. is a globally recognized aerospace corporation and one of the largest aircraft leasing companies in the world. Headquartered in Dubai, DAE’s leasing and engineering divisions serve over 125 airline customers around the world from its seven locations in Dubai, Dublin, Amman, Singapore and the US.
DAE’s award-winning leasing division DAE Capital has an owned, managed and committed fleet of approximately 355 Airbus, ATR and Boeing aircraft with a fleet value of US$14 billion. More information can be found on the company’s web site at www.dubaiaerospace.com.
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Media | Fixed Income Investors |
Arne Bevaart | Sinan Kahya |
+971 4 428 9591 | +971 4 428 9593 |
press.office@dubaiaerospace.com | investorrelations@dubaiaerospace.com |